Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I have to take the CCAP exams and earn CCAP I, II, and III Certifications in order?

    Yes; Each level of certification - CCAP I, II, and III - must be attained in sequence as each level of certification builds on the knowledge of the previous levels.

    While CCAP I Certification does not require proof of extended experience, CCAP II Certification requires proof of 2-years of experience and CCAP I Certification, and CCAP III Certification requires proof of 5-years of experience and CCAP I and CCAP II Certifications.

2. I am not located in the United States so do not currently have access to an ICCAP-Approved testing center. Is it possible to take a CCAP certification exam internationally?

    ICCAP offers the option for anyone in the world to take a certification exam online. Please see the Take an Exam page for more details.

3. Are there study materials for each level of the certification exams?

4. I have considerably more than 5 years of experience in the customer advocacy discipline; Can I be accredited without taking a CCAP certification exam?

    No; to earn a CCAP credential, you must pass the associated CCAP exam and be able to provide proof of the associated certification prerequisites. To learn more about certification prerequisites, please visit our Certifications page.

5. What is the format of each exam?

    The format of the exam for all three levels of certification is the same. CCAP certification exams consist of 60 multiple-choice questions that practitioners will have 1 hour to answer. Practitioners may skip or return to questions at any time during the 1-hour examination period. All exams are closed-book.

    To pass an exam, you must score at least 85% (at least 51 correct answers out of 60 questions). Exams are only available in English at this time.

    Exams are delivered online, though in-person proctored exams at ICCAP-Approved testing centers are available by request. For online exams, a digital calculator is provided through the testing platform. For in-person exams, a pen, scratch paper, and a calculator are provided at testing centers the day of the exam.

6. What is a passing exam score for each level of certification?

    To pass an exam, you must score at least 85% (at least 51 correct answers out of 60 questions).

7. Are there any prerequisites to earning a CCAP certification?

  • CCAP I does not require a minimum amount of experience.
  • CCAP II requires: CCAP I Certification, at least two years of experience in a customer advocacy-related field, and two professional references that can validate a practitioner’s expertise.
  • CCAP III requires: CCAP I Certification, CCAP II Certification, at least five years of experience in a customer advocacy-related field, and two professional references that can validate a practitioner’s expertise.

8. I just purchased an online exam through ICCAP's website but am unsure how to begin the exam.

    All online exams are delivered through ICCAP's online testing platform - Gauge.

    When you purchase an online exam through ICCAP's website, you will receive a one-time use, personal access code to the testing platform in your order confirmation email. Follow the instructions in the order confirmation email to create an account on the Gauge testing platform. Then, you will use your personal access code to validate your exam purchase and unlock access to the exam.

    If you did not receive an order confirmation email or are unable to register on the testing platform, please contact us.

9. I am trying to take a CCAP II or CCAP III exam but do not remembered my login information to Gauge?

10. I was in the middle of my certification exam when my internet connection crashed. How do I proceed?